Датум: 30/03/2019
Liverpool Fc за наредната сезона подготвува книга со наслов 2019/20 Liverpool FC Members book.
Ние како официјален фан клуб имаме можност да учествуваме во вакви проекти наменети за нашите регистрирани членови , но овојпат ќе направиме исклучок и ќе ги вклучиме сите заинтересирани. Во прилог Ви го пренесуваме текстот со кој клубот ги повикува своите фанови да земат учество.
As part of the LFC Official Members book, we are looking for your stories about your support for LFC and your passion for the Club. You, your branch members, could feature in the book by telling us why supporting LFC means more to you, wherever you are in the world. We’ll include the best responses in our exclusive book and if you are selected, we may need to contact you again for further details and a photo.
Want to get involved? Then simply tell us all about your love for LFC here: https://liverpoolfc.wufoo.com/forms/z1qs6koe1oibyme/. Please fill this in, as we want to hear everyone’s experiences.
If your story is selected to feature in the book, then you will receive a complimentary LFC Official Full Membership 19/20.
You can fill this form in up until 9am BST on 5th April 2019.
Any questions please be in touch with your branch.