LFC tattoos around the world



Почитувани навивачи на Liverpool FC и членови на фан клубот,

Нашата пријателка од Холандија, Kim Olthof е автор на книга посветена на тетоважите на навивачите на Liverpool FC од целиот свет која беше објавена пред 2.5 години.

Книгата постигна голем успех и сега се спрема и втора книга како и web страна која допрва ќе биде изработена и на која ќе бидат споделени сите приказни. Линкот во изработка е www.lfcink.com

Сите заинтересирани кои сакаат да ја споделат својата приказна може да не контактираат нас или директно да разговараат со Ким.

Контакт емаил: OLSC Macedonia: contact@olscmacedonia.com или Kim Olthof: kimolthof@hotmail.com

Во прилог и објавата од Kim Olthof ...

About 2,5 years ago I published my first book: our LFC tattoos around the world. The overwhelming positive reactions and repeatedly asked questions if you could be involved in a second edition made me realise that it would be a shame not to continue this journey with you all!

Therefore I have decided that I will write a second book about all your amazing tattoos and that I will also create a website that will be dedicated to all Liverpool FC related stories (this way stories that won't make the book are still out there for everyone to read and this will also be a timeless project, which means I can always keep adding new stories and more pictures of all your amazing tattoos)!

I am currently talking to the club to see if they can get involved in this big project (project name is now 'LFC INK' which will also be the title of the new book and the website is going to be lfcink.com), so I cannot give any timelines yet when book number 2 will be published and when the website will go live, but I am already starting to gather new stories from all over the world!

So... if you'd like to see your pictures and stories back in the book and/or online then please do get in touch with me via kimolthof@hotmail.com. Send me some pictures, your name, where you are from, how you became a Liverpool supporter and why you got the tattoo(s) that you have and I will get in touch with you and we'll take it from there! I am looking forward to receiving all your incredible stories and pictures! Thank you in advance for part 2 of this adventure!!!